The magnificent hungarian capital - Budapest!
The city is one of splendour and faded grandeour... The people are friendly but the language impenetrable (I'm finding this most frustrating). I've honed up my bakery skills however - the pastries here are pretty good! Magyar pekseg woop!
As with Germany there have also been many challenges, with much being learnt about Hungary, about people, about medicine, and about myself, in addition to the many ways I need to be growing in my relationship with God. Many strange and unforeseeable 'coincidences' have happened over the past three weeks, God has been incredibly gracious in putting my in touch with a huge range of people, both Christian and not, very few of which I knew previously. I've really been shown the potential for further work in this part of the world at a later period. I am realising ever more how much of an undeserved blessing this time has been, and that I can simply only come to him in thanks.
He really is the one deserving of praise.